Saturday, July 2, 2011

All Has To Die

There’s a light in the far that daunts my fate
I am scared, my strength ebbs on this fateful date
There’s a voice deep in my heart that howls in fear
To caution me of the storm that is waiting

Darkened clouds, denigrated sky
Lightning bolts that jostle my heart
The rain is here, storm is here
Those brown eyes are back here

The walls of my Rome tumble in
The light on my porch flickers out
It is perhaps the end of the life
The death of the beauty that was divine

All has to rot, all has to die
Why then fear when all has to cry
It is nothing but a puppet show
You are trifling, just come and go

No tear is worth you, no concern for you
It’s a stage of lies; it’s an act for life
Whose aegis on do you seek to live and suffice?
When it’s a short play with your role of a dice

To those eyes that blackened my white citadel
How would u know what’s happiness and what’s a crime?
You trespassed all boundaries with no streak on your head-dime

The squall has left me lost in thoughts and lost in time
The struggle remains in pulling myself together to coming back to life